

  1. Preparation


1. Beat at maximum velocity 6 eggs at room temperature, upload 1/4 teaspoon of salt.

2. add a hundred and eighty grams of white sugar at a time. Beat at maximum velocity for five minutes until the texture that may be seen inside the video is performed.

3. Sift and upload a hundred and eighty grams of unprepared flour.

4. Sift and add five grams of baking powder.

5. integrate with enveloping movements and upload 1 tablespoon of vanilla essence.

6. Pour over a mould with butter paper, distribute evenly.

7. Bake in a preheated oven at 180ÂșC for 15 min. Then allow the cake rest and funky.

8. Unmold and reduce cake very cautiously.

nine. Dilute 500 grams of gelatin of the taste you want in 1 liter of hot water.

10. Reserve 1 cup of diluted gelatin to put together the charlotte layer (gelatin with milk). Repeat with gelatin of some other taste.

11. In a greased mold, upload 2 cups of diluted gelatin.

12. region canned peach wedges (you could try it with other culmination)

13. Refrigerate for 1 hour after which do away with from the cold. upload strawberry charlotte and a layer of sponge cake. Refrigerate for 1 hour.

14. get rid of from the cold, add charlotte of some other taste. location some other layer of sponge cake. comfy extra charlotte and a ultimate layer of charlotte. Refrigerate for one night time.

15. Unmold with the assist of a pastry spatula.

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