
The Mixture That Will Make Your Home Smell So Wonderful… Your Neighbors Will Envy You

There is nothing more satisfaction than home with incredible scents all around. Although many humans are not aware of it, smell does have an impact on our mood. Therefore, if you need to relax, your home should have aroma in abundance.

However, if our house smells bad and strong, it will make us feel uncomfortable. Unfortunately, we usually can’t have a great scent in our homes.

For example, after chopping onions, we can’t get rid of the unpleasant smell in any way. In order to get rid of perfume, most housewives buy air fresheners, which easily cover perfume. But as its effect wears off, the scent reappears.

Fortunately, in this article we are going to show you a way to create a stronger herbal scent out of air fresheners. You spray your house with it and the satisfying scent will last for a long period of time.

Even your visitors will love it. The base notes of this scent are really easy to put together and not too expensive.

Follow the instructions below to properly assemble it.

Natural flavor recipe

*You will want these components:

* ingredients :

° a tablespoon of baking soda

° Three cups of lukewarm water

° Three tablespoons of fabric softener

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