
Broccoli Salad!!!

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New Broccoli Salad is rich, pungent, tart, sweet, and totally tasty. My grandma has been making this for

occasions and family get-togethers as far back as I can recall, and I’ve been dependent on it for quite a

while. Make this recipe to get your veggies into the most fulfilling swarm!


Since it’s best made quite a bit early (and everybody raves over this recipe), it is the ideal potluck dish,

extraordinary for any social event or bar-b-que.


My family totally LOVES vegetables so I generally serve new plates of mixed greens and this Broccoli

Salad is one of our top picks!


It’s so unimaginably simple to make


Since it’s best made early, it’s ideal for potlucks and grills


It is dependably a raving success and I go on forever up with leftovers!!To Make this Recipe You’ Will

Need the accompanying fixings:



2 12 ounce packs of crude broccoli

1/2 cup of red onion cleaved

1 cup of gentle cheddar destroyed

1/2 cup of cooked bacon cleaved (can utilize bacon nibbles)

1 cup of smooth coleslaw dressing I use Kraft brand



Here is the really simple aspect, in huge bowl consolidate all fixings, blend well and chill in cooler for 2

hours and your done! The best thing about this simple broccoli salad is you can add seriously dressing,

more cheddar, and so forth.

This serves 4-6. Appreciate!

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