
No-Bake Pecan Coconut Praline Cookies

No-Bake Pecan Coconut Praline Cookies

Indulgent and Melt-in-Your-Mouth Treats


  • 2 1/2 cups granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup evaporated milk
  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 to 2 1/2 cups chopped pecans
  • 2 1/2 cups grated coconut


  1. Set aside the chopped pecans, grated coconut, and vanilla extract.
  2. In a large saucepan, combine sugar, evaporated milk, corn syrup, and unsalted butter.
  3. Bring the mixture to a rolling boil over medium heat. Once boiling, allow it to continue boiling for 3 minutes.
  4. Remove the saucepan from heat and swiftly add the chopped pecans, grated coconut, and vanilla extract. Stir the mixture vigorously for about 4 minutes, ensuring even distribution of the ingredients.
  1. Using a spoon, portion out dollops of the batter onto wax paper or a lined baking sheet. Allow the batter to sit undisturbed until it has hardened.
  2. Once set and hardened, carefully remove the praline cookies from the paper and store them in an airtight container.

Enjoy these delectable No-Bake Pecan Coconut Praline Cookies, a perfect treat that melts in your mouth!

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