
Restore Your Carpet with Two Dollar Store Ingredients

Restore Your Carpet with Two Dollar Store Ingredients

Keeping carpets clean can be tough, especially with daily chaos and spills. But worry not! A simple yet revolutionary cleaning hack using vinegar and baking soda could renew your carpet in no time:

Materials Needed:

  • Equal parts water and distilled vinegar in a spray bottle
  • Baking soda


  1. Prepare the Solution: Mix equal parts water and distilled vinegar in a spray bottle.
  2. Apply Baking Soda: Spread a layer of baking soda over the carpet stain.
  3. Spray the Vinegar Solution: Spray the vinegar and water solution over the baking soda.
  4. Allow Soaking: Let the solution sit for a few hours to work on the stain.
  5. Brush and Vacuum: Use a brush to scrub off the baking soda and vinegar paste. Then, vacuum away the residue.
  6. Enjoy Clean Carpets: Revel in your refreshed, stain-free, and deodorized carpet.

This simple DIY method using vinegar and baking soda can effectively tackle even the toughest of carpet stains, offering a cost-effective solution for pristine carpets without professional help.

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