
I love making this dish all year round

As the holiday season approaches, the aroma of baked goods fills the air, invoking a sense of tradition and nostalgia. Among the cherished holiday treats, the fruit cake holds a special place in many households. However, the intricate recipes often associated with this dessert can deter even the most enthusiastic bakers. Fear not! Here’s a foolproof recipe that promises a moist and delicious fruit cake with just four simple ingredients: my Slow Cooker 4-Ingredient Fruit Cake.

Reflecting on memories of my grandmother’s elaborate fruit cake baking sessions, I found myself intimidated by the complexity of the traditional method. That changed when I stumbled upon this slow cooker technique. Last holiday season, I decided to try it out and made extra batches for a gathering. The result was a resounding success! Requests for the recipe poured in, and this cake, with its simplicity and delightful taste, is now a staple in my holiday baking repertoire.

Slow Cooker 4-Ingredient Fruit Cake Recipe:


  • 5-6 cups mixed dried fruits (e.g., cherries, apricots, raisins, cranberries)
  • 2 cups chocolate milk
  • 1/2 cup Bailey’s liqueur
  • 2 cups self-rising flour


  1. Soak the mixed fruits in chocolate milk and Bailey’s for at least 24 hours.
  2. Prepare your slow cooker by lining it with parchment paper for easy removal.
  3. Stir the self-rising flour into the soaked fruit mixture until thoroughly combined.
  1. Pour the batter into the lined slow cooker.
  2. Cover and cook on low heat for 6-7 hours.
  3. Once cooked, use a knife to loosen the edges, then carefully invert the cake onto a plate.
  4. Allow the cake to cool before slicing and serving.

This Slow Cooker 4-Ingredient Fruit Cake isn’t merely an easy recipe; it’s a delightful treat that will captivate your guests. The blend of fruits soaked in chocolate milk and Bailey’s liqueur creates a luscious, warm flavor that perfectly complements the holiday spirit. Share the joy of effortless yet delicious holiday baking by saving and preparing this recipe with your loved ones.

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