
Cinnamon and sugar on buttered toast

2 slices white bread
2 teaspoons butter or margarine
2 tablespoons white sugar
[21:14, 08/01/2023] mustapha0073: * Ingredients

° 4-6 Texas toast slices (slightly old or slightly old) roasting)
° 3 Eggs
° 3 Cold milk
° 1 T Honey
°1 cup brown sugar
°1 t cinnamon and nutmeg
° Vanilla extract 2 T butter

  • Fill in:
    ° 1 Packaging Philadelphia Cream Cheese
    °Sugar 1⁄2 C
    Temperature of 2 ° C fresh strawberries chopped
  • Methods

Make the filling by mixing all the ingredients together in a blender or hand blender until creamy. Store in the fridge until ready to use.
Heat non-stick frying pan on medium-low heat.
Combine the eggs, milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar and honey to make the cream. Mix well! Set aside.
Take a piece of Texas toast and put it flat on the chopping board. Using a rolling pin, superficial each piece of bread is 1⁄2 inches thick. It must be thin enough. Spread 2 tons of cream cheese mixture over half the bread. Don’t spread everywhere. Only half.
Half the cream cheese, roll it as shown in the photo (cream cheese mixture should be closed) and repeat with the remaining bread. Lying on the folding side.
Then add the butter to the pan. Dip each piece into the custard (egg/milk mixture) and fry immediately until golden brown on all sides, turning carefully every 1 to 2 minutes. It should be browned in about 4 to 5 minutes. Don’t overload the pan.
They are made when the surface of the rolls is golden crispy. Sprinkle with icing sugar, cinnamon or your favorite decorations and add maple syrup or warm honey.

Enjoy !

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