
Slow Cooker Enchilada Chili


°15 ounces tomato cubes

°1 1/2 pounds of mince

°28 ounces Enchilada sauce box

°15 ounces black beans, strained and rinsed

°15 oz corn can, strainer

°1 cup zucchini, sliced

°2 tbsp lemon juice

°1 medium-sized onion chopped

°4 ounces green pepper

°1 teaspoon cummins

°1 teaspoon chili powder

°1/2 teaspoon salt

+Optional layer: grated cheese, sour cream, tortilla flakes


Blush the beef and onion in a large frying pan over medium heat.

While cooking the beef, throw the remaining ingredients into a large pottery.

Drain the beef and add to the pottery bowl. Cook on low heat for 4 hours.

Serve with your choice of layer: green onions, sour cream, cheese, tortilla flakes, etc.

Enjoy !

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