
Homemade Chocolate with Milk Recipe

Homemade Chocolate with Milk Recipe


  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 50 minutes
  • Total Time: 1 hour
  • Servings: 20 pieces


  • Milk: 600ml (to make condensed milk)
  • Sugar: 160-170g (adjust based on sweetness preference)
  • Butter: 15g
  • Vanilla essence: 5-6 drops (optional)
  • Cocoa powder: 130g (divided use)


  • Heavy-bottomed pan
  • Wooden spoon
  • Sieve
  • Mixing bowl
  • Cling wrap
  • Baking tray


Step 1: Making Condensed Milk

  1. Prepare the Milk: Pour 600ml of milk into a heavy-bottomed pan over medium heat.
  2. Add Sugar: Stir in 160-170g of sugar until completely dissolved.
  3. Heat Adjustment: Reduce heat to medium-low once the edges start to boil. Stir continuously to prevent sticking.
  4. Watch the Boil: Continue stirring until the mixture thickens and turns pale yellow.
  5. Finish Condensed Milk: Once thickened, remove from heat and let cool. You’ve made condensed milk!

Step 2: Mixing Cocoa Powder

  1. First Addition of Cocoa: Sift 100g of cocoa powder into the condensed milk using a sieve over a mixing bowl. Stir until fully combined.
  2. Second Addition of Cocoa: Add the remaining 30g of cocoa powder and mix until well combined.

Step 3: Setting the Chocolate

  1. Prepare for Freezing: Transfer the chocolate mixture onto a cling wrap-lined baking tray, flatten the surface, and cover with cling wrap.
  2. Freeze: Freeze for about 40 minutes until firm.
  3. Cocoa Dusting: Dust the chocolate with a thin layer of cocoa powder before cutting.

Step 4: Serving

  1. Cut into Pieces: Remove from freezer and cut into bite-sized pieces or shapes.
  2. Presentation: Arrange the chocolates neatly for serving or gifting.

Tips for Perfect Homemade Chocolate:

  • Quality Ingredients: Use high-quality cocoa powder for the best flavor.
  • Consistency: Ensure condensed milk is well-reduced for a firm chocolate.
  • Creative Flavors: Experiment with nuts, dried fruits, or sea salt for gourmet variations.

Q1: Can I use any type of milk for this recipe?
A1: Yes, any milk type can be used, but creaminess may vary.

Q2: How long can I store homemade chocolate?
A2: Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

Q3: Can I add nuts or fruits to the recipe?
A3: Yes, stir in chopped nuts or dried fruits before freezing for added texture and flavor.

Crafting homemade chocolate is a delightful experience suitable for any occasion. Whether for gifting or personal indulgence, the simplicity and elegance of homemade chocolate are sure to impress. Enjoy the sweet satisfaction of creating your own delicious treats!

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