
A Moist Chocolate Sponge Tray Bake

4 eggs (room temperature)
1 cup Castor Sugar
1tsp Vanilla Essence
1/4 tsp of Instant Coffee
1/2 cup oil (125 ml)
1/2 cup of boiling water (125ml)
1/4 Cup of Cocoa
1 Cup Cake flour
3 tsp baking powder
Preheat oven at 180 Deg.
Add your oil, boiling water and coffee to Cup and set aside to cool down a bit.
Then to a large bowl add your eggs and castor sugar and beat until light and fluffy (almost like a whipped Cream consistency)
Now sift all the dry ingredients together twice. And gently mix half of the sifted dry ingredients to the eggs and sugar mixture. Alternating with the cooled down water,oil,coffee mixture. Mix gently until all the ingredients are combined.
To a oven dished. That has been greased pour in the batter and bake for 15 – 18 min. Until a skewer comes out dry.
Remove from oven and allow to cool down completely before decorating.
Chocolate Ganache
300 grams Cadbury Chocolate
150 ml Cream
Chop chocolate into small pieces. Heat cream in the microwave and pour over the chocolate.
Let it sit for about a minute then stir until all the chocolate is melted and you have a smooth glossy consistency.
Pour over cake and decorate to your liking. I used Strawberries 🍓🍓 and chocolate nibs

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