
Lemon Pound Cake


° 3 mugs of all- purpose flour

°1/2 tablespoon baking greasepaint

°1/4 tablespoon of incinerating soda pop

°1/2 tablespoon swab

° 1 mug unsalted adulation, room temperature

° 2 mugs of grained sugar

° 4 large eggs

° 1 tablespoon vanilla

°1/4 mug fresh bomb juice

° 2 soupspoons of bomb peel

°1/2 mug full fat milk

For the bomb glaze

° 1 mug pulverized sugar

° 2 soupspoons of fresh bomb juice

° 1 teaspoon of bomb peel

  • directions:

Preheat roaster to 350 °F( 175 °C) and grease a 9″ x 5″ loaf visage.

In a medium coliseum, mix the flour, incinerating greasepaint, incinerating soda pop, and swab. sit away.

In a large mixing coliseum, beat the adulation and sugar together until the admixture is light and ethereal.

Add the eggs one at a time, making sure each egg is fully incorporated before adding the coming. Add vanilla excerpt, bomb juice, and bomb peel.

Gradationally add flour admixture to adulation admixture, interspersing with milk. Start and finish with the flour admixture.

Pour the admixture into the set loaf visage and smooth the top with a spatula.

Baking for 60- 70 mn Allow the cutlet to cool in the visage for 10 twinkles before removing it to a line rack to cool fully.

To make the bomb glaze, in a small coliseum, mix together the powdered sugar, bomb juice, and bomb peel cutlet.

To make the bomb glaze, in a small coliseum, mix the powdered sugar, bomb juice, and bomb tang until smooth.

Once the cutlet has cooled, mizzle a subcaste of bomb glaze over the top of the cutlet.

Cut it into slices and serve.


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